

Electric Racing Association, 该公司致力于制造电动汽车,目标是参加2024年普渡大学举办的首届电动汽车大奖赛, stemmed from Spring 2023 Senior Design project.

Four students standing behind a race kart

四名ERA领导, 洛根啊, 加布彼得森, 杰森Wegryn, 和票价Al-Shubeilat, have emerged from the Senior Design experience.



铅笔的图标Arina Bokas著


The engine of the future will be powered by electricity. And the future starts here and now. 今天的汽车, 自行车, 拥有电力推进系统的公共汽车,甚至飞机,都是交通运输领域一个开创性时刻的证据——远离内燃.

随着电动汽车(ev)市场的快速增长,预计在未来十年将继续快速增长, 工程职业在电动汽车的设计和开发中起着关键作用. 公开大学工程与计算机科学学院正在大步前进,以确保其毕业生有能力应对这一挑战.

“行业对有资格从事电动汽车工作的工程师的需求很大. Our department has already added a number of specializations and a new B.S. 机电一体化和机器人项目,重点是电气化,”Osamah Rawashdeh博士说.D., chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE). “但我们觉得还有其他方法可以帮助学生在课堂之外发展和应用这些技能. 学生组织增加了学生的学术经验,磨练了他们的领导能力, 解决问题, 以及社交技巧. 新的电动赛车协会是这样的机会之一,我们很高兴支持,他补充道.

Electric Racing Association (ERA), 该公司致力于制造电动汽车,目标是参加2024年普渡大学举办的首届电动汽车大奖赛, 源于2023年春季ECE高级设计项目-在本科教育结束时的动手最终设计经验. 这个项目有18名学生参与,其宏伟目标是创造出俄勒冈大学的第一辆电动汽车原型. 四名ERA领导, 洛根啊, 加布彼得森, 杰森Wegryn, 和票价Al-Shubeilat, have emerged from this experience.

“尽管我对这个项目的设计贡献是驱动显示, 我最大的贡献来自于我作为该组织首任主席的角色. 我的工作是为团队设定方向,并使他们能够完成任务. I was knocking on industry’s doors, 创建预算, procuring big items at a discount, setting up the lab space - to name just a few. 在许多夜晚, 这意味着要与团队保持一致,并确保我们系统中的所有内容都能够相互配合,” Hein recalls the enormous effort the project required of all students.

从一开始, 这个项目的前景不太乐观,因为它需要无数个小时的研究, 设计, fabrication and testing – all within an extremely limited time frame.

“EV technology is a vast subject, so the process of 设计ing, 研究, and implementing is a long journey. 这学期没有多少时间从头到尾地完成它,彼得森说。, ERA first vice president, 现在谁担任前受奖人顾问的角色来指导未来的团队成员.

Designing an electric car involves the contributions of various engineers. 相应的, 学生们被分配到不同的小组,由欧洲经委会教员Osamah Rawashdeh指导, 陈小君, S. 阿里Arefifar, and Xia Wang: mechanical and electrical vehicle integration, powertrain and 电池, and sensors and data acquisition – all had to come together. 除了, the entire group worked on machinery, from spot welders and 3D printing to making their own parts.

“I was assigned a role on the powertrain and 电池 team, 但很快就清楚了,我们的责任并不受这些角色的支配. I worked on a little bit of everything and a lot of everything else. 行业标准通信协议和产品开发流程, 线束, 电池, 电力电子, 电气传动系统, 太阳能电池板, 微控制器, 3D modeling and printing, 原型设计, creation of custom circuitry, 物理和力学的实际应用-只是我们在这个项目中能够获得和/或应用的一些技能,Wegryn分享道, 现任ERA总裁, who is interested in pursuing a master’s degree in embedded systems.

Apart from the expected technical aspect of engineering learning, 学生们还获得了其他重要的技能,其中许多人很容易认识到.

“Project management and following through on expectations. This was a real experience working within a deadline, 预算, 设计约束, which pushed us to be creative while still producing results,海因说.

彼得森对此表示赞同:“创造力来自于使用工程第一原则来处理事物. You don’t want to do things like everyone else; you want to do it better. By applying first principles, you can try to think outside the box.”

As the project developed, 学生们也渴望成立一个组织,让其他年轻的工程师在他们的求学之路上更早地获得类似的经历.

“创建ERA是重要的一步,因为它允许学生直接将理论应用于他们将在汽车行业中看到的确切技术. The organization also provides space for sharing ideas, 利益, and hobbies without worrying about the stress of a strict grading system. 我的学生经历缺乏这些东西,直到高级设计项目,”Wegryn分享道.

“ERA将帮助学生为汽车行业的电气化做好准备, which is a high industry demand. Big automotive companies, 比如福特和通用, 是否在开发下一代电动汽车的激烈竞争中投入了大量资金, and they are looking for people with experience,Al-Shubeilat补充道, an exchange student from Princess Sumaya University for Technology, 约旦, ERA副总裁.

保持竞争力, not only does SECS have to meet industry needs for qualified specialists, but it also must showcase them. 许多大学都成立了类似的电动汽车赛车组织,并在相关技术上投入资源, ERA will bring attention to OU as a school with forward thinking.

“赛车的竞争方面推动了创新,成为ERA这样的公司的一部分,将使学生成为未来雇主的宝贵资产。. We have a lot of talent and dedication, 我相信它会成长为一支受人尊敬的有竞争力的电动汽车车队,彼得森说。.

舒拜拉特和彼得森一样对该组织的未来充满热情. “我看到ERA为未来的交通和赛车比赛打开了无限的视野. 这个协会将为任何热衷于卡丁车的人敞开大门, 电气化, 和赛车. A wonderful community is being built at OU for OU,” he states.

Most incredible inventions throughout history, from primitive tools to artificial intelligence, share one commonality: they are the result of curiosity. 寻求新信息、新体验、探索新可能性的冲动是创新的动力. ERA主要关注创造力和实践参与,正在向未来冲刺.
